(Closing date for registration: 15 November 2008, Saturday)
Date: 17 November 2008, Monday
Time: 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian School of Business Seminar Room 2.2 Level 2
*Light Refreshments will be served from 3pm*
For enquiries, please contact us at roman.frick@unisg.ch
Dr. jur. Urs P. Roth (born 1947), Attorney-at-Law, Chief Executive Officer of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) and Delegate of its Board of Directors. After finishing his law studies with a doctorate in Zurich and qualifying as an attorney-at-law, Urs Roth joined UBS in 1976 and orked until February 2001 in Zurich as UBS AG's Group General Counsel. As such he was responsible for advising UBS AG globally on legal and compliance issues.
Urs Roth has served for many years on various commissions and working groups of the SBA. He has also written numerous academic papers on banking and stock exchange law. Since its establishment in 2005 Urs Roth is a member of the Foundation Board of the Swiss Finance Institute, a joint initiative of the Swiss Financial Services Industry, the Federal Government and leading Swiss Universities to promote research and executive education in finance and banking.