Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Talk: "Swiss Banking After The Financial Crisis"
(Closing date for registration: 15 November 2008, Saturday)
Date: 17 November 2008, Monday
Time: 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian School of Business Seminar Room 2.2 Level 2
*Light Refreshments will be served from 3pm*
For enquiries, please contact us at roman.frick@unisg.ch
Dr. jur. Urs P. Roth (born 1947), Attorney-at-Law, Chief Executive Officer of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) and Delegate of its Board of Directors. After finishing his law studies with a doctorate in Zurich and qualifying as an attorney-at-law, Urs Roth joined UBS in 1976 and orked until February 2001 in Zurich as UBS AG's Group General Counsel. As such he was responsible for advising UBS AG globally on legal and compliance issues.
Urs Roth has served for many years on various commissions and working groups of the SBA. He has also written numerous academic papers on banking and stock exchange law. Since its establishment in 2005 Urs Roth is a member of the Foundation Board of the Swiss Finance Institute, a joint initiative of the Swiss Financial Services Industry, the Federal Government and leading Swiss Universities to promote research and executive education in finance and banking.
The »Black Art«:A Revolution in the History of Media
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Meeting Room 5, level 3
Matrix Building, 30 Biopolis Street
Cost: SGD 5.- for members
SGD 15.- for non-members
Free for students from NUS and the University of St.-Gallen
Registration: San at san.wang@swiss-sg.org
Deadline: Friday, November 11, 2008
Contact: 91794546
The »Black Art«: A Revolution in the History of Media Gutenberg’s invention can be characterized as a »media revolution« in technical, political, social, and cultural respect. Ideas from the Renaissance, Humanism, and the Reformation that are still influential today, enduring perceptions of the individual and society, power and leadership, God and the world, new forms of literature and art, basic transformations in communications and media – thanks to Gutenberg our contemporary world is hardly conceivable without these cultural developments. These came about through the invention of printing with movable type, an invention that was elevated to the status of an «ars impressoria», the art of printing.
Professor Dr. Werner Wunderlich University of St. Gallen
Institute for Media and Communication Management
Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Management
Chair MCM 3: Media and Culture
Head of the Competence Centre for Bibliology
Friday, October 31, 2008
German Learning Session
Exclusive for members!!
We have invited seniors who passed their German 4 or above, to share their means of exam preparation and learning knowledge with you. If you are currently taking German 1, 2, 3, or 4, this would be a great chance for you to practice your German and to prepare yourself for upcoming test.
Date: 4th November 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Venue: YIH Function Room 2
No registration needed. Feel free to join us and don't miss the chance!
Light refreshment will be provided!
If you are interested in the German movie "The Edge of Heaven" (deutscher Titel: "Auf der anderen Seite"), the great news is we still have promotional ticket for you!
Date: 7th November 2008
Time: 19:15
Venue: Picture House (near Dhoby Ghaut MRT station)
Exclusive price: $5
Kindly send in your particulars (name, contact no., e-mail address) to frag.mal.uns@gmail.com latest by this Sunday, 2nd Nov.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Change in Venue for SEP Sharing Session
Wegen der überwältigenden Resonanz findet unsere SEP Sharing Session in AS6/0214 am 29. Oct statt. Bis dann!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
SEP Sharing Session
Are you interested in securing an internship in Germany/Switzerland?
Are you feeling anxious about living abroad?
Then join us for an evening of sharing and fun! We have invited students who went for different universities during their SEP in Germany and Switzerland to share their oversea experience with you. Besides, some of them will also share some tips with you on securing an oversea internship.
Come and know more about the marvelous exchange student life in Germany and Switzerland. This is definitely a great chance to prepare well before leaving for the uncertain but wonderful life!!
Still hesitate? Quickly RSVP with us and secure one of the limited places!
Please send us (frag.mal.uns@gmail.com) your:
- Name
- Contact No
- E-mail Address
- Name of the Interested Universities
Light refreshment will also be provided!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Rückmeldung von Goodbye Lenin und Stammtisch
Unsere erste Filmvorführung in AY0809 war ein großer Erfolg. Ganz viele Leute waren dabei und allen sei herzlich gedankt. Am Ende hat ein hübischer Mann Daumen hoch gegeben weil er den ganze Film genossen.
Nicht vergessen unseren nächste Termin: 15 Oct, 18:30 @ Munchie Monkey in YIH. Der Spaß beginnt dort. Jefe/r DDS Mitgliederin/Mitglieder ist berechtigt zu ein freies Trink.
Hier findet man ein Paar Fotos von der Filmvorführung.
Hello everybody,
Our first movie screening in AY0809 was a great success. Many people came to support us and sincere thanks to everybody. At the end of the movie a guy also gave us thumbs up, because he enjoyed the movie.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Goodbye Lenin
Our next film screening is on Thusday, at 6:30pm in Central Library Theatrette 1. This time we will screen a famous German film – “Goodbye Lenin”. Directed by Wolfgang Becker, it is a tragicomedy released in 2003 and it tells a touching story about the life in Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall. To protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma, a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany had disappeared. Free entry with English subtitles; you simply cannot miss it!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The photos from the Welcome Tea/Die Fotos der Empfangsparty
Saturday, September 20, 2008
German Language Society Welcome Tea/Empfangsparty
Am Anfang hat unserer President, Zhibo, ein Referat über DDS (Die Deutsche Sphäre) gehalten. Die PowerPoint Presentation findet man hier: http://www.4shared.com/file/63635390/d3defd80/German_Society_Welcome_Tea.html. Danach hat unsere Beraterin, Frau Niemann, auch eine Rede gehalten und ein Paar hilfreiche Ratschläge gegeben. Auch anwesend war Frau Neumann, eine altgediente deutsch Lehrerin, die sich unter die Studierende gut gemischt.
Nicht zuletzt fand eine leichte Mahlzeit statt, wobei wir viele Sorten Kuchen und Trinken genießen haben. Die Fotos werden so bald wie möglich an die Blog hochgeladen.
Wenn Du noch nicht angemeldet hast, und Interesse hast, bitte eine Email an frag.mal.uns@gmail.com schicken.
Naijun Wen
Hello all, on Thursday we held our welcome tea session, and it was pretty successful despite a very short preparation time given to us. Moreover many people registered on the spot as our members to enjoy the privileges that we can provide. For details you can download the power point presentation to have a clearer view of what we (DDS, Die Deutsche Sphaere) offer. The link is : http://www.4shared.com/file/63635390/d3defd80/German_Society_Welcome_Tea.html.
Frau Niemann and Frau Neumann were also present. Moreover Frau Niemann delivered a speech, in which she gave lots of useful suggestions on how we can develop our club.
Last but no least we enjoyed our tea session, with lots of cakes and drinks. Most importantly we also interacted in German! Lots of information was exchanged and certainly we have had a great time. The photos will be uploaded as soon as possible so you may find yourselves in! :)
If you haven't registered and still have interest in our club, please send an email to frag.mal.uns@gmail.com.
Naijun Wen
Chief Editor,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Deutsche Sphaere Welcome Tea this Thursday, 18 Sept!
Interested to learn more about the language, culture and SEP opportunities in Germany and Switzerland, and interact with native-German speaking students? The NUS Students' German Language Society warmly invites all students learning German to come for our Welcome Tea 2009. Free food and drinks will be provided. Come and join us and discover the range of activities, membership privileges and opportunities that the Society can offer you!
Date: Thursday, 18 September 2008
Time: 7.30-9pm
Venue: Yusof Ishak House Function Room 2
During the Welcome Tea, we will also introduce our new Executive Committee.
If you have any queries, please email frag.mal.uns@gmail.com
Best regards,
Sun Zhibo
NUS Students' German Language Society
Deutsche Sphaere Empfangsparty 2009
Liebe Student/Innen,
moechtet ihr mehr ueber die Sprache, Kultur und Austauschmoeglichkeiten in Deutschland und der Schweiz entdecken, und Austauschstudenten aus Deutschland und der Schweiz kennenlernen? Die Deutsche Sphaere laedt alle Deutschlernende zu unsere Empfangsparty 2009 ein. Essen und Getraenke werden versorgt. Kommt mit und erfahrt die Vielfalt von Aktivitaeten, Privilegien fuer Mitglieder, und Moeglichkeiten, die die Fachschaft euch anbieten kann!
Datum: Donnerstag, der 18. September
Zeit: 7.30-9pm
Ort: Yusof Ishak House Function Room 2
Waehrend der Empfangsparty werden wir unseren neue Klubvorstand vorstellen. Wenn ihr irgendeine Fragen habt, bitte schickt uns eine Email an frag.mal.uns@gmail.com
Mit besten Gruessen,
Sun Zhibo
deutsche Sphäre
Sunday, September 14, 2008
German Vocal Group Vocaldente in Singapore
The 1st International A Cappella Festival is rounded off with two evenings with Singapore's own top A Cappella groups, Asian night featuring Juz B andnanu, Jazz night featuring Key Elements.
15-18 October 08, 7.30 pm The Arts House Chamber
tickets: $35 (German Language Club Members: $30)
If you wish to order please email frag.mal.uns@gmail.com with your contact details and number of tickets, please indicate whether you are a member of DDS (Die Deutsche Sphäre).
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Annual Recruitment Presentation
NUS Students' German Language Society – Die deutsche Sphäre cordially invites you to our annual recruitment presentation.
First and foremost, we thank you for your interest in DDS for the past year. We hope to involve more of you in the upcoming work year by joining the Executive Committee. With your enthusiasm and participation, there could be no better start to our work year.
We will be holding our recruitment presentation on this coming Thursday, 28.08.08 (1830hrs) at AS1/0203. Do drop by to see what we have to offer and how you could join us as an exco :)
For those who are unable to turn for our recruitment presentation and still interested to join us, please take note of the following details:
The following positions will be available for applications:
o President
o Vice- President
o Secretary
o Treasurer
o Chief Editor
o Project Director (3)
All the candidates will have to submit a short description of you, in not more than one page, and the description should consist of the followings:
o The post you are going for;
o Relevant experience in the particular post;
o Reasons for running for the particular post;
o How you could value-add the club; and
o Any other information you would like us to know
Should there be more than one suitable candidate for a position, an interview would be carried out to choose the more appropriate candidate for the post.
Submission of the description is due on Tuesday (02 September 2008, 2359hrs). Please send to us through the following email address:
Once you have submitted your description, you will be informed of the results latest by Friday (05 September 2008, 2359hrs)
Once again, we thank you for your interest and certainly look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank You,
die deutsche Sphäre
Liebe Mitgliederinnen und Mitglieder,
wir möchten Euch herzlich zu der jährlichen Personalbeschaffung einladen.
Zuerst danken wir Euch für Ihre Interesse an der DDS im abgelaufenen Jahr. Wir hoffen, eine größere Zahl von euch im kommenden Jahr für DDS arbeiten können. Mit Ihrem Enthusiasmus und die Teilnahme gäbe es keinen besseren Anfang für uns.
Am 28.08.08, Donnerstag, um 18:30 in AS1/0203 findet die Personalbeschaffung statt. Komm doch und schau mal, was wir bieten und wie Ihr uns als EXCO helfen könnten. Falls Du nicht kommen könntest, bitte beacht die folgende Angaben:
Die folgenden Positionen werden für Anwendungen verfügbar:
o Präsident
o Vize-Präsident
o Sekretär
o Schatzmeister
o Chefredakteur
o Project Director (3)
Alle Kandidaten müssen eine kurze Beschreibung abgeben, und die Beschreibung sollte die folgenden haben:
o Die Post Du dich bewerbst;
o Einschlägige Erfahrung in dem jeweiligen Post;
o Gründe für den Betrieb für eine bestimmte Stelle;
o Wie kannst du den Club verstärken
Gäbe es mehr als einen geeignete Kandidat, wird ein Interview durchgeführt.
Der Abschlusstermin des Einreichen der Beschreibung ist am Dienstag (02 September 2008, 2359hrs). Bitte sendet Ihr uns an die folgende E-Mail-Adresse: frag.mal.uns@gmail.com Am 5. Sep 2008 werdet Ihr über die Ergebnisse informiert.
Noch einmal, wir danken Euch für Ihre Interesse und bis dann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
die deutsche Sphäre
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Here are some photos taken during the stammtisch. Hope you've enjoyed the stammtisch as well as the delicious cakes and pastries! To those who have missed the stammtisch, don't worry! Here are some photos for you to enjoy! :)
All the best for exams!
Best regards,
Winnie Mina
Chief Editor
Die Deutsche Sphäre
Fotos aus dem Stammtisch
Hier sind einige Fotos, die während des Stammtisches gemacht worden ist. Wir hoffen, der Stammtisch hat Spaß gemacht, und ihr habt die leckeren Kuchen und Backwaren genossen! Wenn ihr den Stammtisch verpasst habt, macht keine Sorge! Ihr könnt jetzt die Fotos sehen! :)
Viel Erfolg für die Prüfungen!
Mit besten Grüßen,
Winnie Mina
die deutsche Sphäre
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Dear members,
Our club will be organising a cake-themed Stammtisch on Tuesday 1st April 2008, at 6pm in Munchie Monkeys. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to come together and taste authentic German cakes!
See you there! :)
Best Regards,
Winnie Mina
Chief Editor
die deutsch Sphäre
Liebe Mitglieder,
Unser Verein wird am Donnerstag, den 1. April 2008 einen Stammtisch mit Thema Kuchen organisieren. Der Stammtisch findet um 18 Uhr in Munchie Monkeys statt. Verpasst nicht diese Chance, authentische deutsche Kuchen zu probieren!
Bis dann! :)
Mit besten Grüßen
Winnie Mina
die deutsche Sphäre
Friday, February 22, 2008
The first Stammtisch of the semester, with a Chinese New Year theme,
started as we slowly gathered around the venue, in which large trays
of food such as fresh vegetable and meat for the steamboat were
already waiting. As more and more gathered around we started to put
the food into the steamboat, chattering and making new friends as we
waited for our food to be cooked. Fresh food cooked in warm, delicious
soup and good conversations were certainly a combination one would not
want to miss.
Next up was the tossing of the Yu Sheng. After we were all gathered
around the table, our vice president, Xin Yi, had the honour of
pouring each ingredient onto the plate, while saying an auspicious
phrase for each ingredient. Then we all crowded around the plate and
began to toss the Yu Sheng as high as we could! (Since that's supposed
to bring more prosperity :D )
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have
come for the event, especially those who have been so kind as to have
stayed back to help us clear up :) :)
Here are some photos from our Chinese New Year Stammtisch last
Thursday. Enjoy and see you next Stammtisch! :)
Best Regards,
Winnie Mina
Chief Editor
die deutsch Sphäre
Fotos aus dem Stammtisch chinesischen Neujahrs
Der erster Stammtisch dieses Semester, der das Thema chinesischen
Neujahr hatte, hat begonnen, während wir uns langsam in der
Artskantine versammelt haben. Auf den Tischen waren schon viele Arten
von frische Gemüse und Fleisch da für die Fondue. Dann haben wir das
Gemüse und Fleisch ins Topf gelegt. Wir haben viel geplaudert und neue
Freundschaften geschlossen, während wir auf das Essen gewartet haben.
Frisches zusammengekochtes Essen in warme leckere Brühe. Man wollte
sicherlich nicht verpassen.
Danach kommt die Zeit für Yu Sheng. Nachdem alle rund um den Tisch
gestanden waren, hat unsere Vize-Präsidentin Xin Yi alle Bestandteile
hineingelegt, natürlich mit glückverheißende Ausdrücke. Als wir diese
Bestandteile gemischt haben, haben wir die Essstäbchen hoch in die
Luft gebracht. (Weil man bekommt danach mehr Glück :D )
Wir moechten alle danken, die gekommen sind und besonders die, die uns
beim Aufräumen geholfen haben :) :)
Hier sind einzige Fotos aus dem Stammtisch am letzen Donnerstag. Viel
Spaß und bis nächsten Stammtisch! :)
Winnie Mina
die deutsche Sphäre
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Unser Verein wird am Freitag 15. Feb 2008 den ersten Stammtisch dieses Semester organisieren. Lasst uns zusammen das chinesische Neujahr feiern! Mit chinesischen Fondue (mit Fleischbrühe, Gemüse, Fleisch und Meeresfruchte), Yusheng (ein traditioneller Salat mit rohen Fisch und spezielle Soße) und LUcky Draw natürlich :)
Und verpasst nicht das Vortrag von Swissnex über Hochschulausbildung in der Schweiz, das am 22. Feb 2008 stattfinden wird. Hier könntet ihr alles über die Bildung, den Lebensstil und die Lebenshaltungskosten kennenlernen.
Für weitere Informationen, bitte sieht unser Poster. Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme in beiden Veranstaltungen :)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
die deutsche Sphäre
Unser Stammtisch wird am Freitag 15. Februar 2008 stattfinden. Weitere Informationen kommen gleich! :D
Mit besten Grüßen
Sunday, January 27, 2008
For more information, here's the address of the official website:http://www.sommervormbalkon.de/
A review of the movie in English can be found here:
Hope to see you there! (:
Best regards,
Die Deutsche Sphäre
Für weitere Information guckt mal auf die offizielle Webseite:
Mit besten Grüssen